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Question Answer


例如: orchard (果園) & orchid (蘭花)

besides (除...以外/還有) & beside (在旁邊)

單字要如何才會增加? 除了多閱讀外,一定要善用prefix(字首),root(字根)及suffix(字尾)來有系統的整理單字,單字量才能倍增。此外,亦可按找詞類來組織單字或找單字之性質分類整理單字,例如食物類,動物類,家具類等,圖片字典(Picture Dictionary)之原理即是如此。
文章中為何有些單字會呈現粗體字(bold),斜體字(italics)或放在引號中(quotation marks)? 通常文章中的單字若是呈現粗體字,斜體字或放在引號中,多半表示加強語氣或此單字在此處有特殊解釋。
What are some of the English alphabet that are usually not pronounced? k as in know, p as in psychology, cupboard and receipt, b as in doubt and climb, t as in listen, d as in Wednesday, s as in island and corps, the letter h is silent in hour and rhyme, n is silent in autumn, l is silent in chalk, w is silent in wrong, to name a few for example.

The differences among sound, voice and noise.  For example,
1. I heard a sound downstairs. Go and take a look.
2. She has a beautiful voice.
3. I can't stand the loud noise. Turn down the volume of

the stereo!

The use of listen and hear. Examples:
1. Listen! someone is coming this way. We'd better hide.
I listen to the radio every day.
2. Speak up! I can't hear you.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I have never heard of you!
The difference between healthy and healthful.

1.What a healthy baby boy!
2.These are all healthful foods. They are good for your health.