文字方塊: English姓名:楊健炘





E-mail: chyang@ocu.edu.tw










0324照片  0421照片  服務學習表單









A. Journal Papers

1.  S.-P. Wu, C.-H. Yang, C.-P. Ho and D.-H. Jane (2009), "VDT screen height and inclination effects on visual and musculoskeletal discomfort for Chinese wheelchair users with spinal cord injuries", Industrial Health, 47(1), 89-93. (SCI)

2.  C.-T. Su and C.-H. Yang, (2008), "Feature selection for the SVM: An Application to Hypertension Diagnosis", Expert Systems with Applications, 34, 754-763. (SCI)

3.  Y.-C. Chuang, M.-H. Wang, D.-H. Huang, C.-H. Yang and J.-D. Lin (2006), "To Construct a Forecasting Model of the Anthropometric Chronic Disease Risk Factor Score", Chang Gung Medical Journal, 29(2), 135-142.

4.  C.-T. Su, C.-H. Yang, K.-H. Hsu and W.-K. Chiu (2006), "Data mining for the diagnosis of type II Diabetes from three-dimensional body surface anthropometrical scanning data", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 51, 1075-1092. (SCI,EI)

5.  S.-P. Wu and C.-H. Yang (2005), "Effect of VDT keyboard height and inclination on musculoskeletal discomfort for wheelchair users", Perceptual & Motor Skills, 100, 535-542. (SSCI)

6.  楊健炘2008VDT作業的肌肉骨骼不適與視覺疲勞問題之回顧暨預防指引探討」,工作與休閒學刊,第一卷,第一期,85-98頁。

7.  邱文科,林裕埕,楊健炘2005),「三次元人體掃描與健康檢查生化資料之資料探勘利用倒傳遞網路」,人因工程,第七卷,第一期,1-7頁。

B. Conference Papers

1.  M.-Y Liao, C.-W. Wu, C.-H Yang and C.-H. Yang (2011), "Improved Confidence Interval Bounds for Process Incapability with the Contamination of Measurement Errors", BAI2011 International Conference on Business and Information, Taipei, Taiwan.

2.  C.-W. Wu, C.-H Yang, M.-Y Liao and C.-H. Yang (2011), "Improved Confidence Interval Bounds for Process Incapability", 21th  International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Taichung, Taiwan.

3.  C.-H. Yang (2011), "Mining the relationship of three-dimensional body surface and biochemical data using back-propagation neural network", 2011 Conference on Industrial Development and Management, Tainan, Taiwan.

4.  C.-H. Yang and C.-C. Hsu (2010), "A hybrid classification method: Using a support vector machine for rule extraction on diabetes diagnosis", 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal.

5.  M.-Y. Liao, C.-W. Wu and C.-H. Yang (2010), "Bootstrap methods for process performance evaluation", 2010 INFORMS Service Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

6.  C.-H. Yang, T.-Y. Yeh and M.-Y. Liao (2009), "Rule Extraction by Support Vector Machine: A case study of type II diabetes mellitus diagnosis", IFAC Conferences & Symposia, Moscow, Russia.

7.  C.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Yang and C.-T. Su, (2009), "A novel independent component analysis based process monitoring scheme", IFAC Conferences & Symposia, Moscow, Russia.

8.  C.-H. Yang (2008), "Support vector machine for hypertension diagnosis from anthropometric data", The Conference on Health Management in 2008, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

9.  C.-H. Yang and C.-T. Su (2007), "Data Mining Methods Applied to the Hypertension Diagnosis", The 37th International conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.

10.  C.-T. Su, C.-S. Lin, and C.-H. Yang (2006), "Enhancing Service Quality by TRIZ Thinking: With An Example in E-Commerce Industry", The 4th ANQ Congress & the 20th Asia Quality Symposium, Singapore.

11.  C.-H. Yang and C.-T. Su (2005), "Data mining approaches for diagnosing type II Diabetes", The 3rd ANQ Congress & the 19th Asia Quality Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

12.  楊健炘、吳水丕2011),「電話客服人員的肌肉骨骼不適與聽力損失之研究」,第18屆人因工程學術研討會,台中。

13.  杜宗軒、吳如情、林佳慧、楊健炘2010),「大學生吸菸行為的人因研究」,2010產業管理創新研討會,台中。

14.  楊健炘2007),「VDT作業的肌肉骨骼問題之回顧暨預防指引探討」,第二屆工作與休閒學術與實務研討會,台北。


1.  中華民國原始生活教育學會監事 (2006- )

2.  中華民國品質學會中區工作委員會委員(2010-2012

3.  致遠碩士班入學考試命題委員(2007

4.  僑光科技大學轉學考命題委員2010

5.  華梵碩士班論文口試委員(2007,2010

6.  勤益碩士班論文口試委員(2010

7.  朝陽碩士班論文口試委員(2010

8.  僑光學術審查委員會委員(2008 - 20010

9.  僑光系科本位課程發展委員會諮詢委員(2007  - 2008

10.  僑光學生獎懲委員會委員2007 - 2008

11.  僑光日四技工二孝導師(2007  - 2008

12.  僑光夜四技工一忠導師(2007  - 2008



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